About the Kiwanis Club of Penticton

The Kiwanis Club of Penticton celebrated 75 years of service to the community of Penticton in 2020. Over those years, the club has created many projects that enhance the quality of life for those in the city including the Kiwanis Walking Pier, affordable seniors housing, and Kiwanis Park to name only a few. These projects are open to the public and can still be enjoyed today.
The Kiwanis Club of Penticton proudly supports education through bursaries and local youth clubs such as the Air Cadets through donations.
Kiwanis Club of Penticton
Historical Summary 75th Anniversary
1945 Chartered in September – sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Vancouver
1st club in the Okanagan
Sponsored school patrol and Teen Town with the City of Penticton
School patrol established
1st high school scholarships started, still sponsoring
1946 sponsored the Music Festival – still sponsoring
Established Community Arts Association
1949 – Kiwanis Peace Marker Plaque placed at the Osoyoos border crossing at the official 1 st
Canada-US Goodwill week gathering – still in place
1948-1949 - Sponsored the Kiwanis clubs of Summerland, Kelowna and Osoyoos.
1949 – The ladies Kiwassa club formed by the wives of Kiwanis members – folded in 1977
Started Little Brothers program in Penticton
1950 - Air Cadets formed with initial funding by Kiwanis
1951 - Kiwanis Park on Edmonton St officially opened with soccer fields, baseball fields and a children’s playground – still in use
1953 – started the Little League Baseball
1957 - Hosted District Convention
1959 – funded the initial Big Brother program in Penticton
1959 – hosted Premier WAC Bennett and the entire BC government cabinet at one of their lunch meetings
1961 – 1st senior housing complex build on Brunswick St.
1962 – Key club established at Penticton High School
1967 - Hosted District Convention
1968 – 2nd senior housing complex built on Van Horn St.
1970 – start of the Walk-a-long fundraiser. This fundraiser would net over $205,000 over a 20-year period
1972 – lead service club in building the Adult Training Building for challenged adults – donated $32,153.
1972 - sponsored the initial School District Science Fair – continued until 2011
1972 – started the student exchange with our US clubs
1977 – The Kiwassa club folded after 28 years
1977 - Hosted District Convention
Kiwanis Park – a swimming pool and building for the Boys and Girls club were installed
1982 – 1st senior housing complex replaced with a new high-rise building
1982 - Chartered a new Kiwanis club in OK Falls
1984 – Kiwanis Walking Pier was completed - a $60,000 commitment
1987 - Hosted District Convention
1988 – Okanagan Beach Prominade completed - $120,000 commitment
1989 – funded the start of the Kokanee Spawning Program in Penticton Creek - $50,000 commitment
1990 – started the Kiwanis bursaries at Okanagan College – still funding
1993 – OSNS Telethon hosted by Kiwanis
1993 – start of the McDonalds/Kiwanis Children’s Christmas party
1995 – started the Kiwanis Aktion club in Penticton
1996 – Computer Centre learning station set up for those with mental challenges - $5,004
1997 – donated $9.500 to the 2nd palliative care at the Westview Extended Care unit
1997 - Kiwanis Park – swimming pool covered over with playground equipment - $12,000
1998 – 3rd senior housing complex built on Brunswick St. – Kiwanis Court
1999 – funded new sound system in the arena - $10,000
Queens Park – bleachers, fencing and stands were constructed for Little League baseball.
2002 – Kiwanis Park upgrade to the ballfields - $2,000
2002 – Started pre-school reading program and supplied literacy kits to the library - $4,146
2004 – Kiwanis Park. An upgrade to the playground was done - $14,000
2008 - K-kids club started at Queens Park school
Average yearly donations of $25,083 for this decade
Strong supporter of the Agur Lake camp for this century
Average yearly donations of $14,684 for this decade
Books for Babies began with yearly support to purchase beginner books that are given to
families at the child's first immunization at the Penticton Health Unit. -
The Kiwanis Club of Penticton started working closely with the Penticton Safety Village, which
is located next to Kiwanis Park on Edmonton Avenue. Renovations and maintenance of the
grounds is an on-going Kiwanis project. -
Kiwanis Kid Readers started in the fall of 2021 as a literacy support program to purchase books
for grade 2 learners. The program started as a pilot at 2 Penticton Elementary schools and
after a successful first year it was expanded to all School District 67 Elementary schools in 2022.
In the fall of 2023 we are expanding once again to include all private schools in the city. -
Halloween of 2020 saw the creation of the Penticton Trick or Treat Cycle-Path; a Kiwanis
Club of Penticton event held at the Penticton Safety Village. What started as a social distance
event to hold a COVID safe Halloween event, turned into a community event that was attended
by close to 300 children. -
In Easter of 2021 we continued the success of the Halloween event and started the Easter
Hop-Along at the Penticton Safety Village. It also became an instant hit and was established as
a new Penticton Easter event.
Significant Achievements
75 years of High school scholarships
74 years of donations and support for the Kiwanis Music Festival
69 years ago, created Kiwanis Park, with many upgrade contributions since
59 years ago, built the 1 st senior housing complex
39 years of sponsoring and funding the School District Science Fair
29 years of Okanagan College Bursaries
Funded the Walking Pier, followed by the construction of the Okanagan Beach Prominade
The Kiwanis club has had a tremendous impact on many youth programs. Having provided the funding to start such programs as the music festival, science fair, Air Cadets, senior peer counselling in the high school, Big Brothers, school reading programs, Little League Baseball, and Army Cadets. All the while providing continuing financial support for many other youth activities, through out their 75-year history.
In the community, the club was involved in many significant projects, that have had a long-standing impact on Penticton. The construction of the Walking Pier ($60,000), followed by the Okanagan Beach Prominade ($120,000); the funding and building of the Adult Training Building for challenged adults ($32,000); the funding and management of 3 senior housing complexes; the development and continued upgrading of the Kiwanis Park on Edmonton St; the volunteer hours put in at the hospital; contribution to the 2nd palliative care unit ($9,500); to volunteering in many
community events.
We are proud of our contribution to Penticton and will continue to provide that service.
This is why we serve. This is why we volunteer.
Our Mission
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.

Our Vision
Kiwanis will be a positive influence in communities worldwide - so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive.